Went to Father of the Bride, with a girl back home.
We broke up before the sequel, so went to that one on my own.
Wondered who I'd end up with, what would our kids look like?
Guess I got my answer as I tuck them in tonight....
Heeeeyyyyyyy. Don't think Dream's come any truer.
Boys, welcome to the Future! ~Brad Paisley
We saw Brad Paisley a few weeks ago and while he did not sing this little extra verse from his song Welcome to the Future, I have been listening to his CD so much the past few weeks (because the concert was absolutely AMAZING and I am hooked on his music for the moment!! ) that this has been playing in my head pretty much non-stop while running, baking, driving, working, etc...I LOVE IT. Sure I did not marry one of the lead actors (or actresses in Brad's case) from Father of the Bride ;-) but the rest of it still resonates so perfectly I think. I mean who didn't wonder when they were younger who they would spend the rest of their life with, what they would be doing now or what their kids would look like?? I know I did. And while I look forward to life ahead and definitely have goals and dreams I still aspire to achieve, many of my dreams and hopes have already coming true in Jeremy and Kellan.
My three favorite minutes of my days right now are 1. Coming home from my morning run to see Jeremy and Kellan sleeping side by side (I move K into our bed after I feed him before running) they just look so sweet and K seriously looks like J's mini-me. 2. Picking up K from school - I stress and rush through traffic but it is all worth it when I walk into the infant room and he looks up at me smiling ear-to-ear. And 3. When J gets home from work and Kellan first sees him - and gives him a copy of the grin he gave me earlier in the evening. Just priceless.
Sure there are lots of not-so fun moments like washing bottles, emptying the diaper pail, never feeling like I have a moment to sit down after work until I'm in bed exhausted, but these three moments brief as they may be make it all okay (not to mention all the other wonderful moments mixed in throughout the day of course!!). Then mix in a decent return to my fav hobbies of running and baking, great family in PA who loves to see K as much as possible, a pretty good job that is looking to get even better over the next few months, and yeah would have to say "Don't think Dreams come any truer" and I am indeed pretty excited to welcome my little guy to the future! :)
And going back to the weekend of the Brad Paisley show when I was not at the AWESOME concert and tailgate, I did make a bunch of Birthday Boy cupcakes I wanted to share. The first cupcakes were blue pick up trucks and traffic lights. Looked and looked for ideas on how to make pick-up truck cupcakes but did not have much luck finding anything. Guess it is not a popular request :) Thus headed out to the party store last week in search of any ideas and short of just putting match-box trucks on top of cupcakes I did not find much. Although while there I stocked up on tootsie rolls, m&m's and blue air-heads to see if I could do anything with them - kind of like how I made the trains out of tootsie rolls and m&ms a few weeks back. Tooks a bit of candy sculpting...but the end result somewhat resembles pick up trucks. Some of them may looks a little more like tractor trailors (as my mom thought I was making - haha) but think together the general idea is there. Hey it's like abstract art :) and making trucks out of candy ended up being a bit tougher than I had anticipated!
Then for the party on Sunday - I ventured into the super hero world of Batman and Spiderman! Again did a bit of internet searching for ideas and also found fun Batman and Spiderman cupcake papers. For these ones stuck with straight icing work - with the exception of using mini-marshmallos for the Spidey eyes. The one trick I have been doing quite a bit lately though - is buyin Wilton's pre-made black icing because I cannot seem to make a good black (not to mention it's super messy and a pain to deal with :) so that made things quite a bit easier since black was the main detail color for both Spiderman and Batman. In the end they turned out pretty well and the birthday boy seemed to love them and really - that's all that mattered!! :)
So heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy...hope you find your dreams don't come any truer too..Welcome to the future! :)
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