Before I sound like too bad of a mom though :) Let me clarify that K is sick as in has a 100.5 fever but otherwise besides being super clingy and tired he seems pretty okay. He took some baby advil this morning and is now playing away happily and just keeps coming back to me to take snuggle breaks about every 15 minutes (which I think might be the only real upside of having a sick kid home). Okay now that we have that clarified...back to cupcaking!
Well first actually - here are a few pics of my favorite little icing taste tester from last month :) As you can tell he takes his job VERY seriously :) and makes sure to get every last lick of icing off of the spatula! And while he can't quite tell me yet if the icing is good or not, I'm taking his standing under the mixer holding his spatula up as equal to a thumbs up :)
He even danced with the spatula - def saving this for blackmail when he's 16 :)
Hmmm still thinking :) Trying to decide whether or not to give his approval.
The cupcakes that Kellan helped ensure the icing was on par was for a fun set of Birthday/Running cupcakes for my running buddy and coach :) Kathy! As you can tell by the cupcakes Kathy is running Boston (again!) this Spring! Simply put, Kathy is AWESOME and she has somehow tricked me into training with her and a few other girls who are also running Boston this Spring. I say tricked as while I love running I have NEVER been one to stick to a training plan, but by not really laying it out as a training plan and rather just telling me where to be when for morning runs and then telling me the workout upon arrival, Kathy has me training with them! So not only do I not have to dread :) the track or tempo workouts as I only have about a minute to think about them before we start, but the group of girls who are training with Kathy are super fun so it's become somewhat of a social hour with solid workouts so I actually look forward to them!
The cupcakes are simple vanilla with vanilla frosting covered in pink, purple and silver sanding sugar, which makes them look pretty different with the flash off vs on with my camera (above are without flash). The things with the nike swoosh's are supposed to be running shoes, but were kind of tough to make out of icing :)
Hopefully the cupcakes will be lucky ones and Kathy and all of my running buddies running Boston will do AWESOME! Not that they need luck - as they have all been training super hard and should do amazing anyway, so guess I will have to work on ideas for Boston Celebration Cupcakes for the end of April!
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